I don't care a shit about what you think about me theese days. I'm happy the way I am.

I don't want you to feel bad for me, for having a fun time the way i like it.
You don't need to think i'm "normal". I don't want to! People can stare if they want to. It's my advantage to get noticed.
I don't need your wings to fly. I can fly even higher without deadweight on my shoulders.
You know, one day I had to stand up for my self, you have to handel it.
Live with it, or leave it. I can't listen to you forever, talking about you and you and you. I need some me in this friendship.
Happiness don't come with friends point of view, it comes from my self-image.
So please, don't blame me for who i am. It's my choise, my life, my very own happiness, and when you have figured that out...
Don't expect that i will sheer my happiness with you.
